Education at Med Matrix

Health care is confusing and making the right choice for what’s right for you can be overwhelming. Many of our clients do their own research and are familiar with the names of Mark Hyman, Andrew Huberman, Peter Attia, Tony Robbins, Tim Ferris and others. Much of what they preach is offered at Med Matrix and is a part of our medical philosophy. Below is a collection of books, podcast and articles that are relevant to what we do at Med Matrix.

Podcast Shows

Podcast Clips

Supplementation at Med Matrix

Supplements are massively important in our health. Proper supplementation can be one of the biggest changes you can make. If you want to have certainty in the quality of your supplements, know the purpose of your supplements and uncover deficiencies specific to you, we offer some of the best advanced testing and lab interpretation, so you can actualize your supplement regiment.

Supplement routine of Peter Attia

Gary Brecka on Methylation

Methylation at Med Matrix

Maybe you know or maybe you don’t. If you don’t you should watch this video. Methylation is one of the most important body processes you need to keep track of. At Med Matrix we have comprehensive methylation testing so you can take control of your health like never before.

Stem Cells at Med Matrix

Med Matrix offers cutting edge stem cell therapies. Click to the title to learn more about stem cells at Med Matrix.

Stem Cell Story

Andrew Huberman on Peptides

Peptides at Med Matrix

This specific video talks about weight loss peptides that are all offered at Med Matrix. We use peptides to help our patients achieve optimal health through personalized health care and prescription.

Podcast Episodes

Hair Loss at Med Matrix

At Med Matrix we offer comprehensive hair restoration with the use of stem cells, nutrition and medication. All of this combined is why we have one of the leading natural and holistic hair loss programs in New England.

The Key to Beating Hair Loss

Gary Brecka on Methylation

Methylation at Med Matrix

Maybe you know or maybe you don’t. If you don’t you should watch this video. Methylation is one of the most important body processes you need to keep track of. At Med Matrix we have comprehensive methylation testing so you can take control of your health like never before.

Stem Cells at Med Matrix

Med Matrix offers cutting edge stem cell therapies. Click to the title to learn more about stem cells at Med Matrix.

Stem Cell Story

Andrew Huberman on Peptides

Peptides at Med Matrix

This specific video talks about weight loss peptides that are all offered at Med Matrix. We use peptides to help our patients achieve optimal health through personalized health care and prescription.
