Sexual Wellness for Women / Menopause in South Portland, Maine
Approximately 43% of women experience sexual dysfunction of some form. The most common symptoms include urinary dysfunction decreased libido, vaginal dryness and painful sex. Various lifestyle factors including diet, hormone balance, social activity, nutritional support, body mass index and exercise all have been linked to sexual health and wellness. MedMatrix is able to help women optimize their quality of life and sexual satisfaction. We use an integrated approach and treating women with bioidentical hormones, protein peptides, with specialized treatments for vaginal rejuvenation to improve women’s lives inside out.

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Benefits of Sexual Wellness for Women / Menopause
Is the PRP injection for you?
Sexual dysfunction is not a small problem and unfortunately, most women feel as though they are doomed to suffer. But that notion is changing. PRP is a fast and effective way to treat sexual dysfunction in women of all ages. With an excellent success rate, our patients are finding that this procedure not only helps with orgasm strength and frequency but can eliminate urinary incontinence. Reported benefits of PRP include increased sensation, smoother skin of the vulva, decreased pain associated with sex, and increased natural lubrication.
How does it work:
This non-surgical treatment uses your own blood platelets to stimulate growth factors, allowing more blood to the organ, therefore, rejuvenating the female orgasm system. After platelet separation and local anesthetic numbing of the genital area, the PRP is injected into the most important areas for sexual arousal. The procedure takes less than an hour and patients are back to their normal daily activities.
• Reduces pain for those with painful intercourse
• Reduces or resolves urinary incontinence (urge and stress problems)
• Higher arousal from clitoral stimulation
• Younger smoother skin of the vulva
• A tighter vaginal opening
• Stronger orgasm
• More frequent orgasms
• Greater sexual desire
• Increased ability to have a vaginal orgasm
• Increased natural lubrication
Each woman’s personal experience may differ, commonly patients report these effects from their treatment.