Boost Your Immune System by Reducing Toxin Burden Portland

When we think of toxic substances, most people think of poisonous chemicals that we would never think of putting in our bodies. But the repeated exposure to small does of the often overlooked toxins that we come in contact with day in and day out, can build up from things like air and water pollution, food additives, chemicals in personal products and household cleaners, medications, plastics and other environment exposures, such as herbicides and pesticides. 

This accumulation of the harmful toxins that have built up in our body over time is referred to as our “toxic load.” The greater our toxic load, the greater we need to reduce it to improve our health.

Fortunately, there is a lot we can do to support our reduce or toxic load and improve our health in two steps:

Step 1: Reduce the toxins you ingest through environmental factors

Step 2: To support your body to remove toxins more effectively

Here are some simple ways to start reducing your toxic burden by decreasing the amount of toxins you come in contact with:

1.) Use the least toxic household cleaners you can. Keep in mind that hot soapy water or diluted vinegar can take care of most cleaning tasks.

2.) Use non-toxic personal hygiene products, cosmetics and sunscreens. This means avoiding chemicals that are easily absorbed through the skin.

3.) Limit the use of plastics and nonstick cookware. Carry your water in glass or stainless steel bottles and be sure your pots, pans and cooking utensils are non-toxic.

4.) Know the quality of the water coming out of your tap. If necessary, invest in a water filter, both for drinking water and bathing.

5.) Filter the air in your home with a HEPA air filter. You can also use air purifying plant such as English Ivy, aloe and spider plants to help clean the air.

6.) Take your shoes off before entering your home to avoid bringing contaminated dust and pesticides onto your floors and furniture.

7.) Buy organic or purchase local, fresh produce on which are pesticide free. At a minimum, make good use of the Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen shopping list by the Environmental Working Group which identifies the produce items which are best to buy organic because of high pesticide levels and which conventional items have lower pesticide levels. It is a great way to know where to spend your organic dollars and where you can save it.

Now that you have a few strategies for reducing the toxins you ingest throughout the day, here are some suggestions for how to support the body’s detoxification systems to eliminate toxins more effectively:

1.) Eat plenty of dark leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables, which help promote liver detoxification.

2.) Eat sufficient protein since it contains important amino acids to help the liver to effectively process toxins.

3.) Increasing the amount of fiber in the foods you eat helps to absorb toxins being excreted by your liver.

4.) Drink plenty of clean water to support elimination.

5.) Use a dry skin body brush to stimulate the lymphatic system to help flush toxins.

6.) Work up a sweat or take saunas regularly to eliminate toxins through your skin.

7.) Eat an alkaline diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, spices and herbs to boost detox efficiency.

All of these suggestions are gentle and natural detox support activities. If you have heavy metal toxicity or other chronic health conditions, we might suggest a more advanced, medical detoxification with the use of herbs, binders and other supplements. In this case be sure to follow your doctor’s advice to get the right support for your body and to avoid potential problems since detoxing too much too fast can cause uncomfortable symptoms, such as headache, fatigue and rashes.

At Med Matrix we offer Cutting Edge Detox modalities such as Ultra Violet Blood Irradiation (UVBI).Call the office today to learn about personalized health care to achieve optimal health. A personalized health care plan can look like strategically prescribed supplements, visits with our best in class practitioners and nutritionists to actualize your health. Detoxing and reducing toxins is often a key element in our treatment plans.

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